Software development services

Requirements analysis and refinement, application logic designing, Advanced UI/UX Design/Redesign of your Applications, and more

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Primarily Provided Services

Requirements Engineering

Analysis, extraction, refinement, further specification of poor (or coarse-grained) delivered requirements from your end customers.

UI/UX Design or Redesign

Design of new applications (or redesign of existing applications with out-of-date user interface design) in form of wireframes/maquette set.

UML / Flowchart Design

From high-level to low-level design of application logic using Unified Modeling Language (UML), or another understandable form.

Development in C# (under MS Windows)

Development in C# programming language under .NET Framework, especially for applications with multithreaded logic or ERP components.

About us

Our software development company specializes in solutions for requirements engineering, UML modeling, UI/UX design, and C# development under the .NET Framework (We're aimed at Microsoft's technologies). Our dedication is delivering high-quality, customized software that meets the unique needs of each client. With our expertise in these key areas, we can help your business streamline processes, improve user experiences, and drive innovation. Contact us today to discuss how we can help take your software projects to the next level.

Samples of Our Products

What we offer and how we work

We focus on small and medium-sized projects where we can participate or outsource experienced people, or possibly realize the complete work (depends on the type of project). We prefer maximally autonomous work and not to disturb the customer with excessive or unnecessary communication.

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We refine and categorize delivered requirements (almost always vague) covered in different kinds of sources (documents, tables, images, ...). The output of such work is one or a few documents dedicated to detailed design of the application logic as well as application UI.


We provide an UI/UX design or redesign of your application in form of set of wireframes/prototypes. In some cases there is no full redesign needed (by existing applications), just extension or partial innovation is needed.


The application logic of designed system we obviously describe using an Unified Modeling Language (for structural and behavioral parts with additional specifications), or a set of simple flowcharts with parallel blocks extension with additional descriptions (or in other way proper for your developers - upon mutual agreement).

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We provide a development in C# programming language of designed systems under .NET Framework (because we're aimed at Microsoft's technologies) of two kinds of applications: specialized desktop applications (like IDEs or management tools/utilities) and multithreaded server applications as Windows Services.

Some of Our Products

In this section we would like to publish one of our internal projects which we have used during previous commercial projects.

SQL Inspector

The application is dedicated for analysts, consultants, database specialists, SQL developers, and programmers when they need to get orientation in new (or poor documented) database.

The application should help you if you want to:

• browse for table data, check for table columns, indexes, constrains, get basic table information, and other, i.e.:
- if you need to check column data types and table indexes by SELECT command building,
- if you need to check table constrains by INSERT and UPDATE command building,
- if you need to quick browse and search of table data,
- if you need to get basic statistics about the selected table like count of rows, size in [MB], creation date, ...
- if you need to get list of tables used in selected view.

• search for value in whole database content as well as database object definitions, i.e.:
- when you want to get all table columns and records where some value was stored,
- when you want to get list of database objects names and definitions (by stored procedures, triggers, functions, and views) where searched value appears

• check relationships between database tables, whole relationship hierarchy, and localize where the table is used (stored procedures, triggers, functions, and views), i.e.:
- if you need a list (or whole hierarchy) of related tables who refer to the selected table,
- if you need a list (or whole hierarchy) of related tables where selected table refers. by SELECT command building, or when you have to check the place(s) caused some problems regarding data integrity and consistence, or if you want to make some changes in certain table and you have to know the places where future changes will have impact.

• build a SELECT command using visual designer, where you can see related tables (what refers to the selected table or where selected table refers) which can be useful by joining of multiple tables, or where you have to create advanced data filtering, and more.

Gallery of screenshots:

A few video samples of application' abilities:     (Table Profilation / Searching / Relations Visualization / SQL Select Query Building)

Let's Get In Touch!

Want to get more information or start your next project with us? Email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

We reside in Slovak Republic (Central Europe), the city of Košice

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